Granted to the graphics program.
After more than a year I've finally received an email from my university. I am now officially going to study video games with a specialization towards computer graphics.
Just getting in to the program hadn't been a problem. It's just to apply in the same manner that I did to start studying game design. The problem was that I already had done all the courses that the graphics students do during their first year, and thus I wanted to begin with the second year.

And that's where things started to get incredibly slow. Like a pinball, I was tossed around between different people whom started to require both more and less reasonable things from me. For about six months nothing much happened, beyond me trying to improve my computer graphics skills.
Then at the start of the new year, a new teacher got hired at my university. Once I had talked to this person it didn't take more than a two weeks before I got to fill out a few forms. And already at that point, my student councilor said that I have nothing to worry about. But now, at long last Ive received an email that confirms that I officially am going to study graphics.
Ändringar/ A few changes
Hej läsare.
Jag har nu bestämt mig för att genomföra ett flertal förändringar på min hemsida och blogg.
Under hösten kommer jag att gå en kurs i webdesign och under denna kommer jag att göra en helt ny version av min hemsida. Eftersom att jag inte enbart kommer söka jobb i Sverige, så kommer den nya hemsidan att vara skriven på engelska. Samma sak gäller min blogg. Således är detta mitt sista svenskspråkiga inlägg.
Hello readers.
After much consideration, I've decided to make a few changes to my homepage and blog.
During autumn I'll attend a course in webdesign and during this course I'll create a brand new version of my homepage. As I'm not only interested in working in Sweden, the page will be written in english. Same applies to my blog. Thus, this is my last post to be written in Swedish.